Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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taking +soundings


just different

Views: 349

...taking soundings


A first kiss

in anticipation

of the reunion

of our hearts

being so new at this...

my heart is pounding


Feeling that i am

standing on hallowed ground

building a framework with you

designed boldly, our best ideas

placed forward, taking flight


Between our hopes and dreams


Working with what we have

together and apart...


Building a foundation, based

upon what we've found there


The way we met so elegant,


Simple, yet complex


Reasoning, beyond chance

in arenas i am not well versed

a bullfight is more than a dance

it is a life and death, science

of a savage nobility


Sound, yet unrehearsed

building upon this dream

taking us both, places


We have never been


Having to trust our choices

beyond that which can be seen

i am taking a step beyond imagining

with an image i believe will last...

taking chances with you,


While taking soundings

of my heart

walk beside me

into forever, you asked

and i said, i do

taking a great leap


with a baby step

i must, first

believe in you

as you wrestle with


These charged moments


I enter the algorithms


Into my heart and soul


Prepare for us...


As we ready


To launch


Our eyes chanced



in the blind...


Having a romance


Between a point assigned

perhaps in ways


Forever lost in time...


Was this love


Or just a mirage


Smoke and mirrors


A magic act, of





If only in our minds


As we prepare to open

the star gates


Leaving familiar ground


To step beyond imaginings


To start this music...


We hear together


Even as we sleep apart


Played to a piano rhythm


That is enchanting to us both


Taken to uncharted places


Deeply within the stars


A journey

into your love...


I find with you, here


Beginning stages


While we


Both looked


At one another


From a world afar


Taking soundings


Of my heart









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