Green_Guardian | Poetry Vibe
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Salvation Never Comes



Views: 269

 In a World full of Darkness, where do we turn to find the light?
To an alleded God?
To the Stars oh so far?
To Salvation that never comes?
As the Darkness closes in, the light is harder and harder to find.
Everywhere I look, everywhere I turn, the Darkness is there.
Destroying everything, banishing the light.
When will we be liberated?
When will we be free?
Everywhere it tares at us.
Fragile we fall.
Lost in the Shadows of pain.
Fear. Sadness. Hate. Greed.
In our tears we bleed our will to live.
In oblivion the light hides.
Out of our reach, out of our consciousness.
This World has been robbed of its light.
And now we live in the Darkness we ourselves invited here to Earth.
A Darkness that destroys what we are.
Slowly deteriorating us, and acidic poison to the soul.
Yet we bath in it, languish in this Hell, hoping for a better future.
We covet all that is Evil.
We have become the Evil.
The thick nectar, the vile Hate that consumes this World.
Moral-less beings we have become.
Killing, betraying, hurting those we claim to love for self satisfaction.
Out of Greed. Self interest. Hate. Fear.
This World is lost.
Without a Hero, it has fallen to the Darkness.
One big Shadow in the Universe.
Another Fallen People.
Beings corrupted by the Darkness, most are now its slave.
Bending to its will.
Seduced by its foul touch.
We are doomed.
The last beings of Light that remain pure are soon to flea,
Surrender this place to the Darkness, and race.
Race to a place that might just be out of the Darkness's reach.
Among the Stars, we shall flea this Darkness.
For this World is no longer our home.
We have failed, and we are Doomed.
This World has no place left for us.

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