DeeliteNMe | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
I am in need some inspiration...maybe I'm trying too hard!

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Wake up Call



Views: 346

Thank you for the wake-up call. I almost lost myself for a moment there. See the awkwardness I felt when you were around made me reflect. Some good thoughts and some bad. Yet through it all I realized my faults I tried to create forever with a fading memory, You see, the young me would have clung to that bag of hopelessness and continue to wallow in that lonely abyss.Crying about how your heart was golden...Shidddd, 

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DallasCowgirl says:

Shidddd. I know that's right, sis. :) Love it!


love_supreme says:

" I tried to create forever with a fading memory" Wow. Excellent write.

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scash102 says:

Short n simple Every line says alot I enjoyed it.

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