Green_Guardian | Poetry Vibe
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The Abyssal Void



Views: 318

 When will the chains of Darkness unbind me?
When will I roam free out of the shadows;
Shine out under the Sun? Salvation, Happiness.
When will the ocean of tears around me dry up,
The shadows os pain be cast out?
When will I shed the Darkness,
And allow Love and Happiness to rule once more my soul?
When will Happiness finally touch me,
Love finally drice me out of the dark Swamps of Despair;
Evaporate the Ocean of Sorrow,
Leaving stable land to stand on.
This Ocean trashes me back and forth,
never letting me soar.
I feel it drawning me, sucking me deeper into the Darkness,
an Abyssal Plain of thick, heavy pain.
As I continue to sink the rays of light continue to fade.
My Fate an emptiness, void of light.
Powerless, in complese solitude and panicing distress I drawn,
soon lost to the thick void.

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