Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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hybrid +hopscotch


just different

Views: 305

You and me, me and you

did the baby thing

and made it through

learned to laugh

at our mistakes

found out quickly

ones we dare... not make

 whether acting the fool

or playing it cool

boy and girl go to school,

learn life is sweeter


by the golden rule, 

looking at the world

as something bold and new,

found lots of things to experience

are much more fun ...when there are two. 

Get together to make a family  ...and a home.

after playing by ourselves for so long,


deciding against the idea of growing old

...and being alone.

 born to be wild,

until we balance the equation

man plus woman  ...equals child.

and build anew

with next generations learning tools

using timeless methods 

guided by ancient rules 

find even though getting the best of both worlds

in the gene pool, doesn't always happen

...the first time through

 multiplied by a sense of determination

divided by the resistance to resignation

to rise to the occasion

despite the harshness of the physical reality 

times the spiritual ingenuity

as we read between the lines

and channel our secret ability

using the apps

to read the signs

magnified to coincide

with the natural rhythm

within our heart 

+of mind

with the acuity of countless

meaningful lifetimes

...divided by you times me...

with a generous helping of humility

raised to the power

of the flower


the honeybee





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