Who are we fooling...
to think somehow, we are different
when, as the story goes
once upon a time
two young lovers met
in the most intimate of embraces
senses were aroused and explored
our spirits merged like raindrops
on a journey back to the earth
this new thing we do...
felt right, together
exhausting our need
and made us smile
made man and woman one
called another in our image to us
coming into being as a child
and when we treasure and respect one another
the loving connection continues on
much like a soft explosion between the legs
a beautiful signal of expression
as a beginning of this union
between souls
this is
...the song of life
much like a rocket
exploded into the space
between the stars
another spiritual essense
became initiated
dropped like a bomb into a bright new world
of exploding consciousness surrounded by blurred images
...then a familiar voice
focused upon the one whose heartbeat drums
have been in our soul forever
the one who will be known as mom...
in her arms we know
we are home
knowing we are loved
as we feel the warmth return in a familiar way
with soothing, encouraging words
calling into our collective souls
welcome to the world of spirits
...of loving consciousness
an inner voice
cries out to us
creating an irresistible urge
to extend ourselves into this new world of light
in visions which are not seen
but deeply felt
into our consciousness
once more
and made us climb with an urgency
deeply back into the cradle
of our mothers arms
to the breast
to feed the growing
hunger inside
sleep now
and become one
with those ancestral voices
...it's in the blood
to express yourself
like there is no tomorrow
we have come from a large family
to give back the love
of generations
the first time
we drew breath
the creator had blessed us
to hear drumbeats in our hearts
and share the love
and it is good...
who does not hear those voices
does not know what it is to be alive
give back the love
back inside the womb
our mother called to us
as beautiful people
who we are
accept this title
share the warmth and glow with others
being kind is contagious, like heat
when lacking we feel cold
unconsciously seeking warmth
...its in our blood
brothers and sisters, all
a positive energy to absorb the cold
it is not yours, foolish pride
but theCreators wish,
which draws us back together
with intimacy to share
person to person
one to one
to give us peaceful lives
who are we
not to give back
the love...that
cannot be denied
have a good cry
when you are hurt
but never forget,
how it comes to be
that we are blessed...
our prayers answered,
before we were born
...our dreams as children
washed daily in loving tides,
despite our troubles
we must remember
how we felt about one another
...in loving times
resist the hurt and pain
...just give back
the love