Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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being +friends



Views: 309

Being ...friends, all of us who will


...Means so much more than just another sweet "hello"...


We make the bridge ...sense the need

feed the winds which pull us ever onward

in our desire to plant anew the seeds of friendship

as if knowing as we sail together, we succeed

making waves with all who will join us

its brings a joy to be one, all can see our passionate replies

as our emotions rise and fall

with the current of the tide

as we feed one another

loving energies

to and fro

by which

we all grow closer

to our true nature

as a human family

sharing wisdoms fruits

feeding our spiritual fires

as we bask within its warming glow

forever adding new dimensions to our lives

wetting the hunger of our passions

with a spark with love, desire

burning brightly in our eyes

and in our hearts

getting in the flow

...create a network of ideas

as if we know we need to continue

sharing our ideas, representing

...the rich inheritance of our passion to live

to do so much more than

competing with one another

all throughout our lives


*could you imagine all the wasted souls

on a world where everyone is always fighting to survive


Speaking to each pleasure and delight

Each journey ...a self defined port of call

With characteristics fresh, alive and flowing

Having a unique and special secret wish,

to bring to life beautiful gifts

...sharing the same dynamic loving energy

We have always felt somewhere inside

Our hearts beating, our souls breathing

We are made to represent, not just exist

Because we care, we dare not pause

Lifting our voices, together now

It's who we are, it is our song







Copyright ©2008 Charles Edward Fields 2


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