KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Made to rebel against Satan.



Views: 468

I was groomed to speak for liberation from the time of an infant all the way up unto these current present stages.

  I was blessed with a mind that lived in all eras of oppression, this was all by design, my Father doesn't error.

  Love and peace I speak for these beloved people that I love so dearly, I was chosen to come out of this generation of mines unblemished and with a spirit that's used for healing, and speaking words of liberation to Satan and his government of tyranny.

 You hear it, you feel it, love, peace, and freedom is what I'm preaching. I was told to put my own desires to the side for a while, my personal army that I was trying to form, I had to retreat them and find words of truth from my creator and speak them.

 I've been around, just a Hebrew child , never was satisfied, even when I smiled, it pained me to see my people frown. I wanted them to smile all of the the time,  I'd turn my grin upside down to see theirs upright. I know it's dark but I've always provided light for the blind ,so there won't be any excuses when they hit innocent deer's because I've provided billions and gazillions of words to get them to shine and rewash their minds for these current present tribulations that has started on this watch of mines.

  So I'll watch this Breitling tick away, every day until the time that y'all will be forced to pray because nothing else will matter. King Qadar Dwon'

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DallasCowgirl says:

Thank you for sharing your words of liberation; I needed the power in them. Enjoyed every word.

Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

I'm glad that I could help.... Thank you for reading.... It's always a pleasure getting positive feedback..
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Vision and insight are the most powerful tools of leaders of real people. Corporations fail to incorporate ideas to benefit people who care about others because they are machines designed to strip all value from the "soil". People who have a balanced view are open to be creative and bring value so that others might benefit, if they so choose. you are on the right path at the right time. it is always the right time.

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LP45 says:

Excellent write KQD, this was absolutely amazing to read. The imagery is as beautiful as stained glass windows and yet so crystal clear. Thank you for sharing this.

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