m.n.i.w | Poetry Vibe
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Lost In Introspection



Views: 235

Glass shattered like shattered dreams.

 I'm stepping on the pieces and bleeding from the stings.

 I try to mend the pieces to preserve the illusion of satisfaction.

 Those illusions like a land of hope, held treasured.

 Most of the time it leads to destruction, but even a dirty rock can turn to a diamond in the presence of great pressure.


  I've never been to the land of promise.

 I only seek to fulfill such treasures.

 I was born a person of promise without the presence of financial pleasures.

 My bank account doesn't resemble my heart or soul.

 Nor value.

 If you can't afford sunshine, you live in the shadows.

 Work to see the sun each day while life brings you down to your knees and elbows.

 And when they see you are weak, they try to attack like crows.


  Money is the route in which we spend our whole lives in pursuit.

 Victimized by worldly treasures.

 Lusting for pleasures.

 Blind eyes can see the greed.

 The concept is accepted to which we breed.

 Generations worldwide will endure.

 My psyche is out of sync.

 Detached from the same.

 My distorted mind frames.

 Pseudo imaginative figments.

 Like colorless pigments.


  I'm racing though the times of life in a car without onstar.

 I'm a rat in a maze chasing cheese.

 Faced with decisions,

 I'm at a stop light, but I'm colorblind.

 I'm taking angles of assorted degrees.

 Whatever way I choose, its destination could end in a collision.

 Possibly fatal.

 Erased from existence before I dilate a woman's naval.


 The world is ungrateful.

 And its grasp is inescapable.

 The world is scorching like Hell to the same degree.

 For love you pay the price, but pain is free.

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