Poetic08' | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
It good see a few of old poet still producing beautiful work, keep it Kings

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Views: 427

You've have taugh us so much yet still we close our eyes to the facts that surround us everyday , as a black gentleman i know all to well of your system from slaver to the presence 2015 depopulation of the black man , those you put in place all your devices ......you forgot something you can never steal and that the soul of a black king . History ; you may cause our queens to turn against us and our children to have doubts but you still forgot something , our mind and our body is beyond what you can every interpretate not even your modern science could give you the answer to what define our character;

History , haven't you learn that from the 25 Dynasty we came as offspring from Kings and Queens, as King Pete Belasco say it (Deeper) .



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DallasCowgirl says:



DallasCowgirl says:



Poetic08' says:

Thanks Queen Underhiswing7

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