Watch your step or hit the deck
Step to the rear, for the last is first
Close to the curb, To Know-the-Ledge
Hit or miss, life’s career, Bronx cheers,
Give a ear, victory’s near, what’s to fear…?
Listen here to there, saying something,
Talking out of turn, must be haunted……
Too scary to carry on after shocks from system
Miss them homies, that got hits from home runs
Playing games for goners, setting up shop on corners
Spectating markets, shorty’s holding disposable rockets
I knocked it, she hit back, carrying dependents from flashbacks
Retroactively incapacitated, due to taxes still owed to matrix
I make this to give back to haters, merry –go-round, comeback later
Looking for reparation, but denied on accounts of no fly zones
So I insisted, until I found myself blacklisted, circled in red
Endangered but not extinct, on the brink, hope 2b regulated safe by groupthink
Don’t blink during casting calls, so when the dice falls, you get the point
Passed by this joint……