Mr_Lmn | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3700
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To end a thing, is to begin something new.

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Sweet 101



Views: 274
A slow tune sets the mood. How does it feel? Come on baby, let's just be real. You know me; and you try and control me. There's no other drug. Mary Jane gets me right, but she don't get me wet. I'm safe with you from the winter's bite. I'm kool here with you. There's due on the lilies I promise you. Here butt naked, stallion swinging now you're persuaded. Give me what you've got. Don't hold back, Ooh, Wait a minute, Shh, But that's my spot. Now I'm laying Here body shaking The room is spinning The bed Is Broking? What a time I have with you. You don't stop until I'm through. Sex is just..... What grown folks do.

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