Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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twilight ...blues


just different

Views: 369

Even a

blazing comet

goes into transition

as it explodes

and comes to rest 

falling east to west

creates a sonic boom

in tune with the tone

of my sense of loneliness

which breaks the silence

walking almost as a stranger 
in a world, as if to myself...
oblivious to the dangers 
lurking in this path
in travel

through forest meadows past
cloaked in fog of lost moments memories
awakened with tears falling like rain
by the spirit winds ghostly presence
touching gently upon the aura  
of who it is i think i am

with an awareness 
that life as we know it
hasn't always been so kind
but whats that sound 
i can sense impending gloom 
in its approach
coming from an oncoming wave 
creates tidal vortices
as a new dimension 
stirs a new pattern of time and space
but there's no need to panic
for the weary souls 
whose master mood switch placed in pause

a marker buoy is placed

at the crossroads

of all those

with whose lives

our spirits have sailed

making bubbles

which rise and fall

with the currents

of our motions

even our mistakes

are chosen pathways

marked like footprints

as the newly fallen snow 

begins writing new chapters

written in the song of life

by ever falling dust of stars

as sand dunes of our time

are carried by the current

and with the pulse

of the universal streams

what seems, circumstantial

make traveling waves

cast in the dying echoes

of our candle flame

of consciousness  

falling outside margins

of this living dream

to be lost without a cause 

as this sand castle rest stop 
becoming, being and moving on

 caught up in the path

of the perfect wave
and quietly becomes erased
as particles of sand

liquify and vanish 

leaving not a trace
just a sense of becoming helplessly immersed 
in the slightly bitter metalic liquid 

which is our lifeblood 
as it dances to a heatfelt pulse our mismatched timing 

wobbles on and on, 

like stellar tides

cast adrift throughout all eternity

 spinning in and out of phase 
with the arc of life's pendulum 
as it swings

in its characteristic ways

further on, as it fades to shades of gray

before becoming like all the rest of us

returning to our stroll back into our sunset

to slip into the next dimension of reality

to slumber beneath the waves of amber

until such time our seed is called rise from the damp warm earth...

to join our friends, once more

dancing in the sun and wind and rain, again

to be forever recycling within the mist

becoming swiftly lost from contact

with all those
not in perfect alignment
with the pulse in proximity

of our space time continuum 

leaving in its wake 
myriad micro fractures 
with a momentary existence 
all their own to just as swiftly fade
into the fabric of the null and void
from the depths of heart and soul
time and again distant emotions emerge 
ripening with fruits of love, as misty fields 
give way to mountain views

of dawning blue

...parting clouds of electrons
echoes of consciousness 
forming emotional signals
with three little words 
coded messages issued effortlessly
by the core at the seat of spirit will
of all compassionate 

hearts of souls


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