Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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fire flies


just different

Views: 355

Taking soundings,  like sparkles ...of the starlit dew

 holding hands ...making plans with only you


a wish or vow upon a star seemingly, so very near

 a sun so close, yet, very far away 


the light of love ...attracts,


excites, delights...

 provides a sign 

designed to play

it's part to enhance,


prospective lovers 

in a dance... in its overpowering warmth

we seek relief

other times

we live our lives, beneathe it,

as it reigns supreme

by its reflection...

upon the moon at night, 

a momentary flicker

speck of light  

 ...may be the only evidence

we see of its great power

seen, best at night...


and in each day of our being

to rise, awakening to its calling our surroundings, touching all...
portrayed, in many new interpretive

expressions, offering suggestions 

of connections...


to interface rather than surrendering  

the implied, blessings the silence echoes lost

 in the wastelands of the void, helpless,


cast adrift... across empty space

filling the vacuum, which exists


with a heartfelt smile ...seeking, 

a shared sense of well being


if not by other means,


a duty to uphold to enhance


a treasured role

in it's forsaken pleasures


to become fulfilled with its multitude

of special effects more prescious

than the finest gold adornments

as we connect through thoughts 

designed to become linked further with time 

in the right minds

we are enabled to project

designed to

illustrate the text
in so many new, exciting ways

through the ever expanding field 
of the brain organs

searching through the alphabet 
of sensory signals...

to read...the voices of angels
being sung in a creative haze

a language common cosmic dreamers

and lovers of light

we have found

the mother lode 

for love, in life




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