Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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you ...are the bringer


just different

Views: 398

i felt the spiritual attraction occurred 
soon after we met
affecting my emotions in ways that i can not ever forget
i am a man on a mission
we each are a part 
of something much greater
i believe the key to it all 
exists between our two hearts
i have come to you humbly
with a heart that’s true
i feel, essentially spiritually, physically, 
morally and mentally 
that i belong with you, coincidentally
the chemistry between us is smoking
and i am not just joking
you are the antidote to every poison
affecting my emotions
no one else can touch that
you have it down pat
even i concede 
you satisfy my every need
it’s about that
you are rare indeed
you have a natural genius
with the loving touch
maybe that just makes it easy 
to love you so much i have a sense of confidence too
because i believe in you
my love is true
you are the bringer,
with expertise that’s second to none
there’s no contest, soon after we met
i knew you had to be the one
some say it’s destiny, some call it fate
you are all the food 
i ever want to be on my plate
you are the best at what you do
you bring the meat 
and the vegetables to my stew
if a genie in a lamp gave me three wishes
you would get the other two,
yes, the first one is for me and you
and yes, even though you might say
i already belong to you
by the time i attached conditions 
to all the amendments 
to the contract
the lamp would probably explode
we’d give the genie a job 
driving our limited edition 
stretch jaguar,
because nobody with real platinum class 
would be caught dead driving 
in a stretch rolls
i am not taking any chances
i would never take you for granted
you say, that is 
so romantic
i would throw that wish away 
just for you and me ever in love 
to be true
my wish would be 
for happiness, together 
forever, between me and you,
i am not a gambler, 
when it comes to losing you, 
no way? i can’t handle it
you might call me a dreamer
i am too long overdue
there’s no question to the answer 
about my dreams, 
when i see you 
looking me in the face
let there be no mistakes
they say a stitch in time, 
saves nine
fermented grapes make wine
haste makes waste
forget all that jive
leave all that 
to the country singers
i am a master detective and
i am on your case
i about out of breath
and i could use a taste
you are calling
i can feel it somehow
in the air, from can’t say how
to don’t know where
i don’t have any idea
not a clue how you do
the things to me that you do
all i know is when you call
i must seek you 
you have the only answer to
the questions on my mind
your answer moves me, soothes me
grooves me
shocks me, rocks me
you energize me,
you are the bringer
of love
you are the bringer
you bring sweet loving
tender touching
moments to
my heart that makes me 
burst out in song
you are the bringer
no one else can do
the things you do to me
its you that makes 
my life complete
you are the bringer
to my weary soul
you bring sweet relief
you continue to
bring out the best in me
your continued happiness 
means the world to me
you are
are, are, are
the bringer of love to me
you, you, 
you are the bringer of joy to me
i have a secret for you
…i am a bringer… 


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

TIGHT Write....this is a heartfelt write

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

thank you, 2b2b2

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