Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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I admit that many times in my life I have been transformed
Becoming one known to be societally abnorm.
Considered to be socially deformed.

With need for a spiritual metamorphosis
Too much of today’s science is one Megahypothesis
We need to get in sync with an Insync synthesis
Through Jesus’ blood they can all get with this

But its between you and god and first you must get convicted
Not believe in the images of Christ that historically have been depicted
Don’t believe in religion because they all are contradicted

Christ power and grace has been universally imputed
It can not be refuted
So please don’t try to dispute it
Too much of man made religion has been completely convoluted
Even to the point of being completely diluted of truth and polluted

Babylon has now become a world wide epidemic
The anti-christ will be economically systemic

Too many have a human sense fascination
Offering nothing but character assassination
But believing in his blood and sacrifice places you into a revised graduation
Speaking powerfully to those who undermine my spiritual intellectualization

It’s not only my pleasure but also my eternal business
To be a living example and a testimonial witness
‘Cause when I die, what can I say I left behind ?
For people to understand that I give this.
That’s why I take my time to write and with precise execution spit this!

My heart, my soul is my passion poured out in a ministry type blessing
To teach many souls truths without them having to suffer my many learned lessons.
For my truth is my truth because it has been given to me through my life experience

My heart used to be a dry place
‘Til the day I was given His high grace
Then my spirit was placed into a high place
So I was able to rest and release the pain from my chest
For the serving purpose of being appropriately placed in the right place
To not just take up time, flesh & space
But to reveal to open minds what has and what will soon take place on this earth face.

For earth will shutter by stones falling from space
Hurled at this planet of havoc to bring forth the end of HIS loving grace.
Many now think they have a spiritual taste

No need of hypocrisy
Being a younger man I didn’t know who I was born to be
There was a time I thought I was designed to be an intellectual prodigy

You must be more willing & able
Like the desire of Cain killing Abel
Using that metaphor to knock on your door
So you can desire and aspire for more
So when the time of the mark arrives
Your spirit does hide and you don’t drop to the floor

Once more
Is God is your earthly detour?
He could help you succeed and become so much more
Without having to bleed all up on the floor.

If there’s anything I can offer through my words that I spew
I’d say that God can wipe way your misery if choose to refuse the evil that you do.
If you choose to subdue the wicked nature that currently exist
Then you allow the power of God to continuously persist
And with his guiding spirit
You’ll begin to live and no longer just exist.


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