From out of space travelers
To farmers planting seeds
We are a spectrum of spiritual manifestations
Put here to transform, evolve and resolve
Questions posed in playing with answers
Like grains of sand from white to tan to black
Facts are ingrained but still must be sought
As we sift through grains of sand falling in time
Existential dualities persist like day and night
Sun is light and the moon is dark yet reflects and glows
Signals or clues for spiritual paintings by numbers supposed
For discovering or uncovering refracted illumination for hue beings
Progeny projected significance selected by Hue Meanings
Dawning cultural contributions of cycles defined in hue and me
As we rotate on a blue hued rock holding hue containments
Eyes shed water to replenish seas for bodies three quarters holding
How powerful is this reminder that persists in forming references
As my hue is the reason for all living beings and non living consequence
From cousins of plush green hue jungle beings
To brothers from white hue mountainous cave dwelling beings
Across continents arriving to ancestors being of a darker hue
Formed mostly from liquid circulating of a crimson hue
Quickening light of origin in dripping morning dew
Condensates clarity as restoring hue ultraviolet signatures
Hue Being my redundant clue for reasons in…..
hue being this season of existence!!