edwardbalonado21 | Poetry Vibe
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  4 star general
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just different

Views: 343

We should team up and take over the rap game. Pistol at our side we just need to take aim. We got the skill to start a lyrical war. We got the the minds of four. Preaching a new form of gospel rap. Chainging up, no more carrying a strap. We have the power to take this place over. Your a 4 star general, and I'm only 2 under. Mine and your skills are like lightning and thunder, unpredictable and somber. Our vocabulary is much greater than our opponents. Our lyrics are the perfect components. What do say? Take over today? Or shall we slaughter till the others decay? You know me when i spray i dont play. Respond now or for ever hold your peace. Do this i put away my piece. SkTzo, No Homo. God Bless. This Is Destro Signing Off

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