sensation's of the truth | Poetry Vibe
sensation's of the truth
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NO Justice


Views: 333

This is a old poem and one of my favorite 


There's no justice no peace not as long as our young men are shot and killed in the street, you want to talk about your political views but dude I see right through you as races as they come living in Beverly Hills while I live in the slums, no living in Beverly Hills doesn’t make you A racist but your racial jokes do, running around talking about my Black brother, my Brown brother and my Yellow brother too, you must think I'm A fool to fall for anything you say or do, the people who run this country you call home have been promising my people for years but aint did nothing but in steel fear, the fear to live created A generation of drug dealer's, drug attics and killers, hoe's and tricks all while Uncle Sam and Samba try to f*** us with A big , but remember trix are for kids, I see right through you well abra cadabra I'm coming for you, I drop to my knees and pray for your sin's then I take to this paper with my ink in my pen to inspire A generation that will not be taken in by your Lie's of freedom, equality and justice for all, yes justice for those who don't have pigment in their skin, it's been going down since Jim Crow segregation but my people had determination I feel sorry for the kids of this generation because they don't know what their facing the heat and racism even A Black President can't save them and there's no consideration for the kids of this generation, that’s why this ink on this paper is for the kids who have faced racism and heat and No this is not A debate about what you think is right No No buddy this is Life! and every time I pick up my pen my slave heritage just won't let me be taken in so this is for that boy in Mississippi that was lynched at 13 years old for looking at A White woman, this is for that 15 year old girl who was raped by her master and boar A half African half Caucasian baby boy, this is for Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Sojourner Truth, Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, for the strange fruit that hung from the trees, for the 4 little girls in Alabama, for my great-great-grandparents Walter & Gillie Edwards, hey little girl this is for you, hey little boy this is for you, hey you yeh you this is for YOU!!!


By: Truth aka Sensation of the truth



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kingqadardwon' says:

This is so powerful and inspiring... Keep penning!! Keep spreading words of liberation and truth...Thanks for sharing....

tinesia30 says:


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