KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Power(Christ used to blast corrupt governments)



Views: 504

I speak truth to power, I'm no coward, my power comes from a higher power,

  that can devour any power.

 I speak boldly and free because he protects me from thee, he places me on a pedestal, above any enemies or my so called frienemies

 my only beef is against this government of tyranny,

 founded on the basis of white supremacy, white supremacist,

  the major subliminals, the most outrageous criminals,

 had a president named Reagan or red man, caucasus mountain fellow, the conscious minds might know him as "Cave man" who was the biggest drug pusher in this western world civilization,

  thanks to him or blame him for putting cuffs on y'all babies, and putting AK's in the hands of your neighbors,

  a generation of blood from that point forward, he done the whites favors and laughed at us while we were killing one another up, while the Republicans and Democrats was raising the american and confederate flags up,

  no more white sheets, they were building their businesses and stocks up, while we couldn't get out of our own way,

  we was being our own distractions to us.

  So here we are gradually waking up, Reagan and Willie Lynch, ordered the blue shirts to kill us up daily, because their hold on power is hanging on by thread, just "Barely" .... King Qadar Dwon...

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DallasCowgirl says:

All Truth, not one lie. It's this Truth that makes us free!

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kingqadardwon' says:

Better believe it! All truth and dares Cherub... Nothing to be afraid of..

twistedbeauty says:

speechless... excellent write.

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tinesia30 says:

always a pleasuer to read
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Charles2 says:

in the story of david and goliath... it was the work of a shepherd boy. in the story of jesus, it is the carpenter. know who you are and the higher power works the magic. being real is magical, your life is free even among the wicked and vicious. this is a spiritual battle across time

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kingqadardwon' says:

Special Thanks to all of you greats poets, y'all keep me inspired and passionate to share my mind with the world..
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mlowe5 says:

Well penned, Brother King. A powerfully delivered message. "Yea though [we] walk through the valley of the shadows of death, [we shall] fear no evil..." for their works shall soon come to pass; so let us continue to sip from our saucers, for our cups runneth over with the spiritual power that shall set us free. Peace, Love and Liberty...and Unity in the Word!
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kingqadardwon' says:

@mlowe5.. I greatly appreciate you King... You truly inspire me, there is peace, love, and unity in your words.. I always enjoy reading your pieces... Thank you for always encouraging me.. I humbly accept that...

RonnieL says:

My Man...spitting that TRUTH!!!!! Felt this, wonderful art of words displayed!

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WarriorCarryingWater says:


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