Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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tokens +of a kind


just different

Views: 317

Tokens of values shared like the sun 
deepens our bonds of blood and sand 
beyond the shores of now distant lands 
we hovered upon on this 
our eternal quest 
towards something 
of more permanence  
...the task to deliver 
our spirits whole, 
as once again 
we gather
 justly troubled
 by the times
searching for our answers
 to deal with these events
which we all must face 
 …one time or another
of unimaginable pain and suffering
...spirit pools and spirit winds, 
before we depart further upon this endless journey, 
let us spend a moment to reflect upon 
what common truth in life we share 
and if we gather together for the right reasons, 
lets be friends... and drink from the well of souls 
of those who dared to live...
 faces glowing, lit by a light within
 from a the distant past

with the wind

…like +minds


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