Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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happy +trails


just different

Views: 359

Saddle sore 
tired and gun shy
cowhands pass time
drifting together and apart
near the chuck wagon
showing off a talent or two
playing with a lasso or a bullwhip
shuffling horseshoes or cards
like new clothes they'd just bought
from the general store
a week or two before
shipped in from points afar
hand crafted, rare and expensive
rather than the common run of the mill
everybody was wearing
breaking the ice with small talk
feeling one another out
until a point in common 
was established
...once things had quieted down
taking a drink of homemade whiskey
playing the harmonica
hearing some mighty fine notes, too 
taking notice 
like fresh coffee
and homemade bread
some of the best of
manmade scents 
there drifting downwind
slapping the noses of horsemen
cursing their luck, riding on by
finding an excuse to stop on in
drop a few coins in the pot
on faith the coffee
was both good 

...and hot



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