Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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dawning ...horizons



Views: 303

Isn’t it funny how?
Although your New Year
May begin several hours before mine
We are caught up in this very same moment
...of space & time
What for the stars dance through an eternity
With the entire course of human history is but a spark
Somewhere lost in a wave of the universal tide
In the eyes of a Creator, making little distinction
Between what we may see as eternity
...the entire cycle of existence of life
As if there was some distinction
Between what we think of as subatomic particles
And oceans of galaxies while we dance in step
With dinosaurs visions
Although reigning for several million years
Still, gone in a twinkling
With an illusion identity, or is it of self importance
Weighed against the infinite dimensions
At which we gape in awe at wonders
Beyond our knowledge,
Faith and belief
A reality distant from our understanding
Beyond the imaginary points of reference
Written upon the chalkboards
Of our minds
What we may envision which bonds us,
 Builds the platform for our future
When we have compassion for one another 
Whatever time we share 
Will be made easier
With love


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