thecubanprophetess | Poetry Vibe
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Black Panther Mentality


just different

Views: 277
Words are my sword My shield is the truth Spreading infinate wisdom to the souls of starving youth. Finding courage to rise through belief in one's self Bringing an end to the corporate conspiracy that rapes the knowledge of spiritual wealth. You aren't a number how long will you try and fit in that slot Your soul is not a product, why let your freedom be bought. For such a low price, minimum wage from 9 to 5 To not even barely feed your kids and survive. That's how they get you, your only meant to think you are free Gentrification is the new plantation and cotton is government cheese They push drugs into your children's hands then send them away Before they get a chance to find their voices and say We won't take it anymore we know what your doing Fooled is what we won't be were ***ing tired losing Our minds are strong mountains, and our resilience like the sea, Always flowing back to shore cleansing souls to be freed Our stories will be shouted from projects and strip malls Our power won't be doubted just because of our flaws. It starts in each one of us we all have to choose, to say *** your ebt and Wal-Mart priced shoes I'll grow my own garden and build my own house I'll take this land back by refusing handouts I'll walk out of public housing and go live on the beach And as long as I am breathing God's blessings I'll preach.

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tinesia30 says:

Keep speaking what thus says the Lord. Much respect
Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Very powerful... Great write... Thanks for sharing

Poetic08' says:

First let me just say , Powerful is your wisdom and strong is your spirit( Queen ).

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mlowe5 says:

Preach on my Sister, preach reality to the Word in doing what needs to be done to come back to what and who we are heirs of. Peace, Love and Unity.

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