Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 382

Here, i stand, 
Troubled still, almost to tears
Struggling, even with a friend beside me
Spinning round in circles, reeling...
The feelings, warm and tender, almost lost
Gathering strength by increments, 
...have i got the will to overcome?
This never ending storm
Trying, time and again to find
A place where inner calm resides
As if to provide solace
 To shake this impending gloom, 
...this empty feeling
No matter what due consequence 
Strong words behind the thoughts
Finding what it takes to change the outcome
Of the sum of all our past mistakes
Is a revealing of what it is to love
Accepting that our loss
Of course
Is worth the cost
...i'm losing you
Trying to focus myself
And balance you
All the while we seem to be
Moving in two directions at one time
Will never do to accomplish 
What things there are...
We need 
To do


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tinesia30 says:

Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

thank you, tinesia30.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautiful indeed. My Brother, you have the will...we all have the will; our struggle lies in continuing to Will the Will. It is always a pleasure to hear from you. Peace and Love
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thanks again, mlowe5. we who carry the torch hold the darkness at length for awhile while the people pass the angry waters of the unseen. for once we know the evils name, we no longer need fear it, just keep it in its place.

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