Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Seeds ...of Man



Views: 322

Desert winds 
Whistling through dried grasses
Flowing gently across these barren lands
Home of great multitudes of powerful 
Dangerous wild creatures
Yes, death was a great teacher
Those who survived to tell of...
Ghost buffalo
Great powerful beasts
Hunted with simple tools
Much more courage and guile
Heroes of survival of the day
So ...we would eat, today
Yes too, forever...
There were wars
Scant resources
Competition between ideas
Of how best to live
Despite adversity changes were made
And ancient peoples... 
Mighty cultures grew
Knowing life although difficult
Was a gift to be cherished
Respecting... life 
All of which have come and gone before
Those whose watchful eyes
Saw visions of plenty which could be gleaned
By respecting natures treasured resources  
With little protection from a harsh environment
Learned simple skills from elders, who
Observing much from the animals
Looked to the stars and dreamed
Not much to say or do 
to ease the pain and hardship 
of a difficult living 
which, learn, they did
to ensure a chance at fruitful life
children lived hard, played hard
raised families whenever they could
such that generations of children they revered
...became the hope of renewed visions of prosperity...

Like the Medicine man

From a distant past...
Takes a handful of sand
Lets it trickle between the fingers
And lets the slight breeze blow
Particles of sand

Become animated 

Tell the story of how people
Before, when they knew anything 
but life without distraction

…were beautiful


Time does not change things
Might be deceiving



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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautifully crafted---a powerful tribute and a profound, inspiring message. Thanks for the sharing. Peace and Love.

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