amin901 | Poetry Vibe
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Revelation Of The Mind



Views: 388

Pain sings,screams as rain brings pain to the game,its strange but aint nothing changed nothings tamed,only more pain,more strain,but its still the same game and I gain positiveness as i proclaim from silent lips to vocalist and its a bliss to seek fame,who needs it,I believe it,never deceiving,still breathing,achieving and always willing to spread it,imbed it as i say it,many dread it,code red it,but I'm ahead of it even at my weakest point.Boxed in but I'm surviving in this joint…And who hates me I'll never know,positively grounded,well rounded and only God can heal my who's in control,as the game unfolds,as the truth be told,frenemies become foes,humans become hoes, all is exposed,as they revelate the mind of this determined soul..

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proboy901 says:

Very creative.

Contest Winner  

amin901 says:

Thank you

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Jevans1194 says:

Deep! I love it

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