Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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words ...unspoken


just different

Views: 367

Cut deeper than 
…the nuclear explosion of you…
Telling me that you are leaving me…
…It has altered my reality, 
Brought destruction 
to my dreams of you + i 
Devastating my world so abruptly

 i make a hasty retreat…
hurt mortally with my wounds 

No words 
cut hard and deep
As if to silence my lost hopes
Chasing into the echoes my body…
And thru my troubled mind
Cloaking my thoughts in misery
Rendering all sense of time…irrelevant  
The mountains shake and valleys tremble
…from the first time we ever met…
…from now and throughout all eternity… 
…haunting me with melodies so sad…
…Turning the incoming tide to tears…
…Even the clouds start weeping…
The winds roar changes to a whine
The oceans no longer make waves
…the sun refuses to shine…
…Shifting even the sands of time…
…As i sing… songs of love… 
…those now and forever play…
Here…In my heart…
For you…

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