TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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movin on



Views: 342

i have to move on because my baby doesn't love me 

he said i don't do it for him anymore 

he has found him a new girl 

despite our history 

he walked out pretty easily 

he ripped out my heart and took it as a souvenir

as if i don't need it anymore 

i guess i don't because i only want him 

he has my heart and no one else can have it 

this is a tragedy 

being captive to someone who doesn't give a damn 

sadly some of the injuries were self inflicted 

i saw the signs and refused to acknowledge them 

ignoring them as if i was blind or he would change 

no one changes unless they want to and see that their actions are causing a problem 

i thought that him seeing me hurting would be enough for him to change and i was wrong 

multiple times 3 years worth of time wasted 

he got beyond the best of me 

i even had the audacity to carry his child 

now i have to be in touch with him for the rest of my life 

i have to move on

picking up the broken pieces of my life and get it together

challenging myself to boss up like never before 

moving on and never looking back 

i have to move on and make it the best thing that ever happened to me 





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