TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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Views: 415

do she write about anything else besides her love life 

do she understand anything else besides her on and off again man

i ask these questions because it seems like that's all she writes about 

and i wonder do anything else go on in her life 

i mean how many times can you reword the same poem 

she needs to change the subject 

i've heard this one and I'm ready for something new 

when she do attempt to write about another topic she stumbles to find her voice 

i guess she can't relate to anything else 

i guess she's a one trick pony 

damn that's a sad a$$ story

she can only pick up the pen when in its involving the opposite sex 

or how they dissed her


how she took him to bed

her legs must be tired from all of that chasing me she do 

giving all of herself to them without anything in return 

the she fills the pages of her notebook to immortalize them sorry sons of guns 

i guess its her way of coping with the hurt 

she should find a new outlet 

give men a break 

taking some time to find herself 

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WisdomlyInclined says:

I've said this countless times, but never put it into words. I'm interested in the way women's minds work and it's limited by that topic.

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fm110comphodent says:

Clear eyes electively demonstrates the function of words using input to destroy the elements that create boundaries amongst forbidden areas.

Nikki_phressh says:

Art is not bound by rules. Art is abstract.. The way we show to the masses may be or may not be accepted. Art is your outlet, let it be when the pain subsides the subject will change in time. Don't change for others

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twistedbeauty says:

thanks for the feedback everyone

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