tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Poetic Drought:



Views: 375

My words have been caged up for months, not able or willing to break free, this struggle to write fills the inside of me. I'm ready, let's do it, lets get it in,

as soon as I sit down my thoughts from my mind, transend to my pen, followed by the words on my paper that soon blended in

with the lines  causeing me to get annoyed, crumbling this paper now tossing it in the bin, my thoughts has got me mind f***** again.

I feel crazy, psychotic, delusional, you know  feeling a little unsual.

I'm tired of this poetic drought that im in, my pen and my paper

aren't making love anymore more and this is not irrefutable.

I'm dieing to write what's inside of me,  so I

sit back and breath...Relax...but when I put

my pen to my paper it's like a mismatch, I so 

frustrated, angry, I'm yelling at my jouranl

like...I'm trying to put thoughts inside of you, I'm 

squeezeing my pen yelling what the f*** is wrong with you.

My pen is my left hand my paper my right, with this 

poetic drought I don't know what the f*** to write.

Please excuse my language for I know it's not right,

but im just pissed ya'll this poetic drought has no end insight.


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