tinesia30 | Poetry Vibe
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As I walk through the valley



Views: 416

Hard times cause for high praises

Written in the book of life

 Walking by faith

Not blinded by sight

Establishing the trust between He and I 

Inclining thine ear unto His wisdom

Applying thine heart to His understanding

Preserving the way for His saints

Correcting whom He delights

The wicked will not roam here

Nor will evil reside

Since my table is prepare

In the presence of my enemies

Since my armor is made of righteousness 

No one will find me hiding

In this place that shields me

Delivers me and provides for me

Often times feeling defeated

Dotting my I’s and crossing my T’s

Letting patients have its virtue

All good things work together

For those who go through

Cornered in this strong hold of uncertainly

The presents of the Lord redeems me

 “Our father whom art in heaven

Give me this day

Instruct me on my may

Cover my children

With the blood Emanuel shed

Keep me in this valley oh Lord

Move this mountain with the mustard seed

I declared in your name

All glory to the one who reigns forever


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Amin says:

Beautiful poem.

Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Thanks for sharing this powerful and and inspiring piece... Great write

DallasCowgirl says:

And this is why you're one of my most respected poets on the Vibe! Nicely said, sis. Thanks for sharing.


tinesia30 says:

Thank you my brothers and sister.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks for the beautiful share. I enjoyed sipping from your poetic saucer; for your poetic cup of blessing is indeed, overflowing. My goodness and mercy continue to dwell with you. Peace and Love in the Word.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

The Power of prayer. Ultimate visions of the divine will shadowed by the light of wisdom cast upon our souls.

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