I tried something new ...
I've always been a no woman not a yes woman but a no woman , meaning I can easily say no to anyone or anything without giving he/she or even it a chance .
I tried something new ...
I've met my match!
Just as stubborn
Just as assertive
Just as aggressive
I tried something new ...
It was an interesting situation to visualize , and being the woman I am I usually wouldn't have involved myself into this... This woman
A woman who somehow within 48hrs got to me.
I tried something new ...
I let her have me instantly no questions asked
Something I've never done before, I played my game but she won!
She showed me what it was like to not be in charge, showing me what'll happen if I didn't listen or follow simple orders .
Within 48hrs I became a YES woman!!
I tried something new...
Asking me if it feels good
Is it yours and only yours
Yes it's true I broke out of my shy ways and put the good girl away for a second . I let my alter ego take over.
I tried something new ...
I stepped down and she stepped up and made me feel like there was no shame in what I was doing, I was so wrapped up in her world that I became apart of it .
I was willing to do any and everything she asked of me , knowing if I denied anything id be punished ! (Punishments never hurt anyone right ?)
I tried something new ...
She was that something new
That powerful something that made me a yes woman with ease
That powerful something that had my legs on her shoulders and made me take it
YES I don't think you all understand that I tried something new !
Would I do it again ?
To be or not to be only time will tell as Shakespeare said..
We shall see ...