tinesia30 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 11500
contest winner
I miss the vibe! Will post soon....

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Native Lands



Views: 472

Taking from the shores of Africa

Killed by the gun of the MAN

 No border to enter

Public Housing 


Is their intentions

Is it just me?

Doesn’t this land belong to us?

Wasn’t the first person

IN AMERICA of a darker complexion

We work well with our hands

Strong backs of broken men

Strip of dignity

Our women carry on

Our babies are born healthy

It's jealousy, seen so clearly

Form the front page news

To every home in every city

Victory, is not an option

It’s ordained

Soon to be conquered





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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

you have done your math. good answer. struggle is a large part of the equation

tinesia30 says:

Thanks Charles. I really appreciate it.

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DallasCowgirl says:

Very powerful write! A lot of truth in this piece. Love it, thanks for sharing.

Contest Winner  

Number3 says:

Surreal scrip. wondrous. Word Up!

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Contest Winner  

EmpressRee says:

indeed. the truth so plainly visible

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tinesia30 says:

Thank you all so much.

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