Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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a point ...of being


just different

Views: 310

We coexist …in different dimensions
Moving between by will and circumstance
Manifestations of being 
Which rise to heights, descend to depths 
Sometimes far beyond our comprehension
What we fulfill in the shifting balance of our understanding
Defines our sense of happiness
Our relationships to and with others
Play pivotal roles in every facet of our lives
Material aspects of human nature and being
Are strongly influenced by cyclical events
Of historical recordance …and not so much so
…and+so, we dance
Becoming more or less aligned
In which area of focus
We feel ourselves most practically inclined
Looking to what little of our human history
Can be said to be practically reported
A wealth of material exists which may allow us to infer
A far greater sense of being exists
Than our awareness of ourselves
Spiritual entities exist, besides us
Your choice …believe it or not
What humanity there is…
Rests upon this
In Fact


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