Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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a tear ...a tear


just different

Views: 336

Even in a fabric made of strong materials
Woven by steady hands
There can be flaws
Perfection …is an ideal
Although we are products of natural origin
With supernatural qualities
Our beginnings and endings are not certainties
Our souls bridge dimensions our minds cannot fully comprehend
We build worlds between our passions and our dreams
Finding comfort in the parallels
Getting comfortably naked with those we trust 
…as we trust ourselves
Never fully becoming immersed because dangerous demons 
lurk among us
awaiting opportunities to feed upon us
…in any way they are able, as we clothe ourselves
With personages
Bearing spirits attached to us as the roots of our being
Are fed by the spirits of our ancestors
Ass ghosts which come and go through our lives
As easily as we feel that we experience
Filtered through the emotions …in our everyday lives
Patterns of circumstance feed our personality
Becoming our second nature
Forming our will… of consciousness
Influenced by our will
…To be


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