Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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unthroned ...heroes


just different

Views: 408



When the last coin is melted down, by the spiteful 
Because it contains the words “In God We Trust”

After all the burned bridges on the road to peace
Due to budget cuts and lack of initiative
…have succumbed to rust

And all your castles in the sand…
And the dreams that we hold dear
Have kissed their last wave goodbye

The gates of heaven, turn the poor away
Why, because they dress “too fly”

To the society of better people…
The dress code still applies

Besides, that…
They refuse to bleach their robes with ajax

Their last dime went to feed their neighbor  
And because that they cannot pay

And far far away in never+ever land
And the twinkle fairies keeping 
The monsters in the closet
Grew bored to tears
And dejected, left the room
And the knights on white horses
Gambled away their pay
Now their honor is up for grabs
And sold their souls on ebay
After all was said and spun
Who would believe 
They were better than the thieves
They had chased away…
A mighty army of preacher men
Who roam the airwaves broadcast across the land
Tell stories, sing and dance…
To get your hard earned pay
And when the smoke clears…
Armored cars line up like school buses
Making more like the casinos 
Holy men pretenders 
Driving Rolls Royce, private Lear jets 
Passing the forgotten poor
Churches with closed doors
Have even forgotten how 
And when to pray

So who will save us now?
The prophets of peace and happiness
Have sold the secrets to the devils advocate

So that the righteous, no longer are so enthused
To battle against the mighty
With the few…
Too few would be heroes
Signing up
Because crime does pay
And you get to wear a suit with boots
And the sons and daughters of honor
Are too busy bickering among themselves 
To give justice its due
And surrendering armies 
Of the under motivated masses
Fail to see the point
Smoke a joint…
See trumpty dumpty 
Running for president of the free world
And storm away
“time to get back and protect our own”
Those left behind are slaughtered mercilessly
Fallen to the guns of gloom 


Every devil has his day, it seems
But in the end
When we get tired of pretending that we don’t care
We get down on our knees and pray
For something better
We get up
To make a stand…
No more, playing by the devils rules
We call to practice
All the skills
In the inventory of the meek
Who have become strong
By proving in our own way
We endure
And with a spirit
In essence
Is pure

How we relate
To one another
Minus the petty politics
Erase the stains of racism, black or white
And color our world
To add the spark to magic dust
To find, although
We’ve exhausted the lifetime supplies 
Of the essential ingredients
To make the boo boo’s go away
Retraced the steps that signaled the betrayal
That made us say
And yes, baby, I screwed up again…
Words don’t pacify the pain and suffering 
When you have done, as always…
Let your libido go astray
And the woman of your dreams
Takes the children and leaves you
For the last time
Overcome by the mass confusion 
No longer balanced by the illusion
Of happily ever after…

Who has the will to rise again

Come Lazarus
Its time to walk again

The epitath...


There were
Too many sins to be washed away
But now

You are needed


All the heroes
Have been unthroned

Its now, as ever…
Up to us
...the final hour
of eternity

To be blessed

With the power
To defy death

And rise, once more

…to live


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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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