tinesia30 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
I miss the vibe! Will post soon....

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Trapped in the Mindset



Views: 433

Fast money in this home of dysfunction

The only love we've ever known

Flashy chains of assumptions

Bond around the neck

Respect, is a privilege

It earned never given

Snitches get stiches

The motto to hood living

Spinning wheels of deception

Leaving  young minds wishing

Evidence of the weapons

Used for mass destruction

Outlined with white chalk

Is never the discussion

“We don’t die we multiply”

Stated from the fallen foot soldiers

NO help wanted

Just open graves

Trapped in the mindset 

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

funny how hell is described in the movies. to some it might be a summer camp compared to the everyday grind of reality.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

if we could change the perception, we could change the direction. hope, not dope. education, to the new destination. new more positive cultural connections

tinesia30 says:

That is what I am aiming for Charles thanks.
Contest Winner  

amin901 says:

Beautiful poem and an even more beautiful perception

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LP45 says:

Powerful write and message tinesia30. Excellent flow and imagery. Thank you for sharing.

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