love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Views: 510

I burned today. I could feel life moving through my nostrils and it I coughed at likfe flowing in and out of me. I wanted it, life, it was a tangible things. 

I realized that I knew so little about it. I woke today as I did yesterday but today was different. There was life and poetry within me. It boiled through my eyes, radiated my fingers and the words appeared on the page. 

In reality, I needed you to witness me. I need to move forward but I need that reference point -- that validation from you that says the world is what it always has been and this is just a point in time and we are moving forward. 

Long live life and long live the poets. 

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tinesia30 says:

This piece really spoke to my heart. Long live the poets. Great write.

love_supreme says:

thank you so much!
Contest Winner  

Number3 says:

Log live the poets! Word Up Latin
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2b2b2 says:

Indeed...Great Share....thanks!

poems by this commentor

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Charles2 says:

its like a drug

PoEt says:

Deep and from the heart .. always a great formula

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