Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Principalities & Powers



Views: 359

We do not fight with the flesh for mere reasoning
But it is like cooking up a three course meal
With bad ingredients for seasoning

Our minds are the battlefield
In which he does constantly wage war
He feeds us the information we desire
So that we can then crave so much more

Now Satan is hating
Our many minds infiltrating
While even in churches
He has his followers wickedly congregating

To cause dissension and compromise
Causing distress in the churches
Making leaders and followers of leaders
Have human condition to not render any service

While others he destroys their self esteem
By circumstances he has dealt them in their life
Causing feelings of insecurities and thoughts of suicide
People then take their life ‘cause they feel overwhelmed with such strife

While on others he works
On their egos and pride
But in the end even kings of earth
Will eventually have died

And the day the wicked are awakened
To meet their maker and get their reward
They wont get a welcome to Gods heavenly gates
But will be destroyed by Gods fiery sword

So the little flock
That the Anointed One they do follow
Are not hollow in their spirit
Neither are they filled with vanity and shallow

They suffer in silence as their prayers are like incense
That fills up the heavenly courts with their pain
And God promises the small remnant
That one day sooner than later, he will destroy all death and all strain!

But for now we do struggle
And fight with powers & principalities
That have might beyond human comprehension
They cause leaders to rise and to fall as they cause pestilence, famine and death
And are most likely the ones who placed our global markets into recession
An actual greater depression
Is that many still haven’t learned from this lesson
They ignore the labor pains that are signs of Christs soon return
They neither learn nor discern
And those are the ones whom by willing ignorant choices
Have chosen their reward, which is to be annihilated & burned!
Which to me, is of great concern

For that is the purpose God has not ended this world of such sin
Because He is trying to intervene in the lives of many by choosing faithful servants
So they can learn of Christ’s free grace given
And gain eternal life as a free gift if they only choose to believe and follow HIM!


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