Humbled by his presence
Honored, yet in awe
Of his ability to deal with
A person so broken
Despite imperfections and flaws
A dear friend once said to me,
"The strength of a man is in
The heart of a strong woman."
How can this be if I am broken?
If truth be told, one can only be
As strong as the one
Who supports thee.
While fighting battles of temptation
Courage and hope
Became our inspiration
As heart beats syncopate
Each touch regenerates strength
As embraces restore the
Power to our souls.
Tears of joy and pain
Seep through our pores
Solidifying a foundation
Denser than concrete.
Disagreements that became
Par for the course only
Added to the mix
Allowing broken links
Of the past to be fixed.
Where strength lies within us
Is as clear as my mirrored reflection
So until the end of time
As life is to be
His strength in me
Is as much as mine is in he.
Inspired by C. Carter
Written by Juanita Smalls