Flowers of the heart bloom hues of revelry
Silence is kept intent 2b reverent and auspicious
Hearts of melodious hymns instep for atunement
Never wind swept yet steady breezes palliate
As pleasing auras weaken knees to earth’s gravity
She is my please, as I beg for attention to prevail
This magic potion awakens like Spring, out of the blue
Her breath is my heave, grasping locality cultured
Spirits inclined by shared light reflections, inspiring
Beckoning 2b infected perpetually by forces unseen
For I am the valley that shades her stream
For she is the water that soothes these loins
We travel thru time placements fortunes
Zoned and honed for such amorous completion
Keys to form notes, as notes lead to unlocking
Symphonies of dueling sonatas representing genesis
This union creates more gifts of rich fruit in consuming
Sung by hearts stringing on such romantic casts in play
Ether is heavy and quite thick in feeling love everywhere
Humming psycho kinetically between you and I instrumentally