Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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just different

Views: 383

In the grand design

Of whatever it is might believe

In the beginning ...there was stress and strife

Nothing of note ...could be achieved

For no respite ...for the weary

Survival ...of the fittest

Where suffering and death the norm

every turn you take ...leads to chaos

Chaos has form

No island a refuge the storm


Somewhere ...there

Was a time ...a consciousness rose

Reconfigured itself be

A separate stage ...of reality

The intent to ...make sense of

Itself relation to the null

Could begin to sense ...the other

Created of itself ...a mother

To build and protect ...the sign

The simplest of designs


The building blocks of love ...and life

Were born of the need be free

The chief architect ...wanted more

Than the chaotic ocean of absurdity

...which was before

Finding particles ...with the will to be

Started the form build upon

Constructed of many things

Out of the nothingness ...which was

Worked out the life equation be open ended

Gave life cause ...took a pause to reflect

And when he resumed the task

He swept away the debris




Observe the sublime


This creature man

...and woman

Look ... beyond the perfect lines

Seen ...within the eyes

 To the stunning curves

...expressed in motion

Which perfectly coincides

With the desire which is inspired seek

The sweet natural filling inside

And a mind ...perfecting itself in time

The mother+nature nurture and project

The fruit ...of the womb

And the most heart rendered ...will to protect

The young ...which are the next

Part of the plan ...built into the mold

By the creative spirit ...of the bold

...a mind

Constructed by the master craftsman

 An indeterminate structure

...built +in time


With love




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