Having thought about it—timely,
I’m sorry to say—not really…
Love got everything to do with it!
Otherwise, why
Sing that without it
We don’t have anything—seemingly?
Why love the one
You’re with,
If you can’t be with
The one you love?
What is the power of love?
That one will die for it; will lie for it.
Will do just about anything for it?!
What’s love got to do with it? Tell me…
Can love really
Make a blind man see;
Or make a cripple woman walk?
Can love make the crooked way straight?
Can love really make a dumb man talk? Or
Whittle hate into pieces that slowly dissipate?—
Love—Love—Love…in all that you do—
Do—that people of Earth may truly know you.
Where there is war, spit out lasting peace;
Where there is pain, rub it out with calming relief;
Where there is hunger, let it flow from blown bellies
To running rivers of nourishing breads and jellies; and
Where there are wanderers that you see,
Shout our welcome to those that become a refugee.
Love—Love—Love…in all the weaknesses you see
In my mortal being—in all my humility—please love,
Have mercy on poor loving souls—like myself and me.