The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6400
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Why The Militarization of Police?



Views: 396

-Since the government played the role of bank.

-The police started with nightsticks now they have tanks.

-It all starts at the Pentigon & it's 1033 Program.

-And ends with city streets resembling wars on foreign land.

-So what are the rules of engagement?

-As these armed city soldiers that were once police march the pavement.

-Fitted with kevlar vest, M16's, teargas, pepperspary, humvees, Lrad sound cannons & vehicles resistant to land mines.

-To serve search warrants & arrest those that will be sentenced with a payable fine.

-But....why the militarization of police?

-Officers are not tutored to handle this type of arsenal.

-The gap between soldier & officer is significantly marginal.

-Posse Comitatus has been breached by a loop hold.

-With this murders are getting away scot-free when they shouldn't even be paroled.

-What was once a judgement call is now defaulted by the use of force.

-With all the constabulary brutality citizans deserve an unbiase narrative from a realiable source.

-Without one there's a certain type of one-sided freedom allowing authorities to mane, kill & break bones.

-We're living in an occupied war zone.

-That's why the militarization police.

-Ask yourself this, "Who is the enemy?"


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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

nicely done. we are crossing dangerous ground... question is, what's next?

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