mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Let Our Cups Overflow


just different

Views: 516

It has been said that justice

Is getting what you deserve;

The gift—grace given—priceless;

Flowing from God’s sacred reserve:


So, I asked Papa one day,

“Why he drank his coffee from the cup

But poured mine into the saucer?”  And

Here is what he had to say:

“Son, the heat of God’s grace

Overflows into this warm saucer

That I’m passing on to you;

One day, your cup will overflow too.”


Amazing—the parable way the ancestors knew,

How to pass it all down to me and you;

Why on the hot stuff, Nana always blew—

Never giving us tough stuff she didn’t first chew.


Now it has come to be our time

To pass truth on to our youth—

The truth of the twofold crime

Kicking us along the deceptive route;

Stomping out that which we rightly deserve

For the subhuman debilitations we’ve had to serve.


Brethren, let us continue pouring from the Ancient Cup,

Passing on the amazing grace given to you and me;

That our germinating seeds be strengthened growing up;

Sipping saucers of justice—forever fighting to be totally free.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

hard fought battles always yield the most delightful victories

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Superb Delivery.....nourishment...thanks for sharing!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Peace and Love, Family; Peace and Love, mlowe5

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