Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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clue+less the violence


just different

Views: 379

Those with  passion unleashed

having chosen the service to the beast

...those fallen from the presence of  light 

lovers of a fight...

even when its

non essential ...they follow its potential

to see what they might...

profit from... it

whether wrong or right

In the game of dominance and submission

hunters of soul+beings monitor positions

and the change of winds...

study their approach...

Predators always in play

...scanning for a match

each and every day...


of the beat down

masters of the dying arts

Intent on corruption of the power of will

To drain the creative energies of those they prey upon

Compulsive-obsessive power freaks

Bent on execution ...the practice of making the perfect kill

Angels of vengeance ...demons of dark+delight

Angry souls on a mission ...of subtraction or division

Despite the proven benefits of fusion and unity

Thrive on the unstable power of fission

Subjecting others to fear and misery

 Bent branches of the tree of creation

Making a prophetic vision ...of the destruction of all enemies

Projections of power over time and space

Thriving on the concept of a sole+source view

They, being the defenders of the one and only truth

Getting high on the drama ...of the pursuit of prophesy

Damned for all eternity ...if they cannot break free

From the insanity ...of disbelief in karma due

Believing in a faux immunity what they do

Objective vision to rule over all they survey

Diverting the focus of a neighboring nation

Laden with stored energy

 ...for hard times 

but for the thugs 

whose love of hate 


other mothers

from their sons...

removing the seeds

from generations of lifestock

leaving only standing stones in their wake

Stealing the life earnings

from the meek to punish those before them

who gave the gift of hate...

now, its their turn to smash and burn

all evidence of love...

to dissapate any sense of kindness

with blind hatred...

to extinguish any spark of kindness

...or taking the advantage

 of twisted minded games

Of genius strains meant to erase all gains 

a return from

what was denied


in their past


what they would deny 

is love

for whatever happened

to them

if you dared to ask

for which they could not find

forgiveness for themselves 

for being powerless to save them

from the embarassment 

of helplessness...


once freedom came

they could not separate

the grain from chaff


was the sense of love

given freely

and a sense of play

while performing communal tasks

instead, their punishment

extends to everyone...

their vengeance extends 

to anyone or anything which teaches tolerance

or difference from the doctrine

of the once wronged

rigid rules of living ideology...

a scourge unleashed

Against the weak ...and unbefriended

Bearing the fruit of death 

On the road to resurrection

Looking down the road

 ...where it may lead

For some goes nowhere 

They are the victims

 ...there will be blood

However justified

 ...worshippers of homicide

Followers of an institution

 ...where disbelievers bleed

Motivation a la carte ...whatever inconvenient truth

Requires ...remanufactured proof

With passions reanimated

 ...a factual lie with personified appeal

To a special interest group

 ...a gang of thieves with a mutual attraction

For vengeance has no cure

 ...but return through the path of love

Those whose corruption follows in their purposes

Pass judgment upon those left in the unenviable position

Whose disability to focus precious energy to defend themselves

Is not a testament of unwillingness to be employed

Its being reduced to struggle ...its an economic condition

Continually pursued by those who prey upon those

Having not ...doing the best of what little they’ve got

The nasty roles we choose

 ...or not

Be it via jealousy, envy, pride

on the destruction ...of the trust

Held dear by most of the rest of us

On a journey to love …and life

Partakers of the culling…

And those unwilling

The others of us

Caught up here

beneath the shadow of fear

Beside ourselves in pleas

In declaring we are not witnesses

Of the excesses of the aggressors

Being idle, as if witless

In proclaiming innocence

If not begging forgiveness

…on our knees

To the Jesus within us 

shedding real tears...


we understand

where we are

in eternity

we are friends 

and know the worth 

of a human soul...

its who we are

one people

Not just peers

…along for the ride



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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Dope Diatribe....well played.....ONE
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

yes, a diatribe it is... it takes far more energy to write a proper text to demonstrate the difference between what could be gathered from each view and draw the source between which unites both ideas of reality.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

will visit this idea from many angles. will take lots of notes and crumpled paper in the wastebasket.

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