Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 394

Head to the sky ...down on my knees

Tears in my eyes ...touching my soul

...setting me free

Searching the stars ...for some sign

My life design ...part vision+part dream

The stars aligned ...brought this to be

...what i believe


Welcome, my friends

On this journey through life

Where the road never ends

And the spirits of...the one

Every man woman and child that’s ever lived

And ever will...

Walk through life and be challenged to do

More than we are expected to

We must do what is expected of others ...for us

Through it all


 ...we live


We rise to the occasion

 ...and fall into our mistakes


It sure feels as great to be right

...just as it feels awful to be wrong

But we learn ...from it and move on 

we are people of eternity...

passengers ...on a journey of spirits and souls

passing through life...

cascading through troubling times

on a migration between the stars

travelling together through dimensions unlimited

making it better for the next generation of us time and space

before the life passing... catches us unaware 

we are gone...

and+so we+live

to recreate the world we live

 ...and make better choices

as the voices in our heads

Get more wise

...and less otherwise

Make choices

Why, question why

Do what you need...

to be righteous

and free...

and do more than






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