T.Christine | Poetry Vibe
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The Dumb Chick (clean version)



Views: 433

The Dumb Chick

Don't be the dumb Chick who gets with a guy who shows you signs
That he cannot be trusted and he's wasting your time!
Don't be the dumb chick that thinks she can make him change
So you breaking down barriers and his stays the same.
Don't be the dumb chick who spreads her legs to try and keep THIS boy
Then you find him hitting up other chicks in his phone.
Don't be the dumb chick who even takes it THAT far
Where you go on a spying spree cause you got a FEELING
NO CHICK, that's those SIGNS slapping you in the face!
Don't be the dumb chick hitting up those hoes
Check his as* and then check YOURS!

Don't be the dumb chick that tells him all your secrets
Cause he'll see you as an emotional basket case
A PROJECT, not a woman worth KEEPING!
don't be the dumb chick that constantly brings up her ex
He's an ex for a reason, you're starting a new season
Give me one GOOD REASON that BOY is still relevant!
Don't be the dumb chick that keeps saying I FORGIVE YOU
Cause once might have been a mistake 
But everything after was on PURPOSE. 
Don't be the dumb chick FIGHTING over this BOY
There's a reason that girl is still around and blowing up his phone!

Don't be the dumb chick doesn't take time to love herself
Learn her worth, heal from brokenness before picking up another 
Piece of broken man to fulfill her heart, when all it does is cut and scar!
Don't be the dumb chick whose called a dumb CHICK because he treats you like a B**CH!
You fight and scream, you cry and plead, and the very next thing
You find yourself with your a** in the air getting F**KED all over again!
Dominated, FEELINGS and EMOTIONS obliterated
But you LET HIM because you hate to be alone.
Don't be the dumb chick stalking girls on Facebook 
Trying to fit HIS type
Cause your dumb a** has settled when you should have FOUGHT.

Don't be the dumb chick who lets an ABUSER become your lover
You call him your soul mate, when undercover
Your pride was too strong for you to figure
Out who you were and send him PACKING
So you kept breaking up with him cause you KNEW he wasn't SH*T
And then you kept getting back with him cause his GAMES became your reality
You took BROKEN pieces over a MAN who was whole
Cause your a BROKEN girl who doesn't know how to be a WOMAN on her own
And I'm  sick and TIRED of you still going through his phone
You're married now, youv'e got kids now
And you're STILL insecure!

You're the dumb chick whose still stalking that WOMANS page
You're the dumb chick still scrolling through his web history real late
You're the dumb chick whose losing sleep over WHAT IFS
You're intelligent but act like youv'e got NO SENSE!
You're the dumb chick whose watching everyone MOVE ON
Yet you're  trapped in illusions and dancing to the same song!
These girls are coming to you for WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE 
Yet you stay up late at night masturbating to fantasies of inadequacy!

Stop being a DUMB CHICK and forget your broken past
You can't go back and fix it
But you can d*mn sure take off the mask.
Stop looking at THE MAN that you married and looking for THAT BOY
Cause as painful as the truth is HE REALLY HAS MATURED!
But because you're still angry AT YOURSELF for being dumb back then,
For stooping to low levels all for the sake of love.
You want him to hurt and you wanna see him burn
But when you look down at your heart
YOURS is the only one that's COLD

You've got 2 daughters and you claim being BLACK ain't beautiful 
Yet you married a black man
Their daddy is a black man
And a black man is sustaining YOU.
Don't be a dumb chick blaming NI**AS for your rejection issues
Don't be the dumb chick claiming a boy stole your crown
So that's why you haven't risen!
I'm slapping you today with a REALITY CHECK
You've been a DUMB CHICK
It's time to come out of the darkness!

You're a QUEEN
You're a STAR
And you need to forgive YOURSELF for the mistakes you've made thus far. 
OWN up to your ignorance
Hell even own up for being a HO*!
But you ain't DEAD yet,
So own up to MOVING ON!
Forgiveness is a choice and it's freely there for you
I'm trying to finish this poem
But there's so much I have to say to you!

I'm tired of watching you stare at her pictures and think her life is better
"The one who got away" NO she chose to leave because she wasn't a DUMB CHICK like you
She peeped game, and she peeped the signs and knew he still LOVED YOU
He was USING her, wasting HER time
Trying to get back with the one who knew his bullsh*t WELL.
You lost all composure 
Now your trying to get redemption by Facebook stalking his exes
But your on a roller coaster ride of stupidity
These women have moved on and you're  irrelevant 
So why are you so obsessive??

You don't see your treasures 
You don't see your gifts 
And you're blaming others for your secret sin
That self hatred inside because you tried to change for a guy
And the shame you carry within
There is the condemnation
There is the frustration
But today YOU WILL RISE!

I challenge you to write a new story
I challenge you to truly see your worth
I challenge you to LOVE YOURSELF
Don't be the dumb chick who wastes her life!
Wasting time on things that cannot change
Cause you awoke today with a frown
But you're a blessing with with a crown
And it's time to appreciate your throne!

The dumb chick WAS me 
I wrote this poem to address me
And now you can see



Written by T.Christine 2015


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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

excellent redemption. great progression, fantastic rendition of realization... nice work

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T.christine says:

Thank you!

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