T.Christine | Poetry Vibe
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I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be

Pitch black darkness

Germinating in blackness 

Getting nourishment from the master

You just don't get it.

You had plans for me

Your nest was packed tight with religious beliefs

Jesus saves and yet I'm not free

You relent that I can't see

Yet I'm not blind 

Your the blind one leading me.

You see me as a puzzle

You try to force me into pieces where I don't fit

I let you once because I wanted to fit in

But now I'm not ok with being a Guinea pig

I'm on a journey that you can't comprehend.

You say I'm vulgar

Too open

Way too raw

You view me as broken

In need of fixing

But your mind is too small.

I ask questions

That you can't answer

Cause you were raised old school

You're my mother

I still love ya

But I've grown my wings.

I'm on a journey

And you can't help me

To comprehend

Some moves are worth making

Some risks are meant to be taken

To find MYSELF.

I can't answer your questions

I can't follow directions 

When they box me in.

So I sit and stand

And I do a different dance and you call it sin.

I'm leaving packed churches

Getting my tithe back for my verses

And seeking God from within.

He is mine

I am his

Let the journey of separatism begin.

-T.Christine 2015 

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

tremendous pressure is relieved when we believe ...we have our own minds. remaining cautious, we find the dangers which the elders speak. become hardened, by design, to keep the evil in our midst from too deeply penetrating our minds. there, not far ahead we are sure to find relief, should we survive the climb.

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T.christine says:

Yes!! 🙌🏾 my sentiments exactly 😀

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